Scots pine wood
Straight from the forest

The main activity of CMV is the use of forests and the manufacture of treated wood to guarantee its durability in service.

All the wood used in our products comes from controlled felling in managed forests, in which the corresponding silvicultural treatments are carried out for the regeneration of the forest destined for forest exploitation, as well as subsequent reforestation.


Forest management

Aware of and consistent with the need for sustainable forestry development, the company currently has the PEFC chain of custody certification.

Given the importance of forests to the planet, sustainable forest management is essential to ensure that the demands of society do not compromise future resources.

The Chain of Custody certification evaluates the traceability of raw materials of forest origin, and their derivatives through the different phases of the production process.

Autoclave treatment

Especially aware of the quality of the product, particularly as regards wood for outdoor use, it makes a commitment to improving and implementing specific quality systems for treated wood, carrying out the certification of the CTB-B+ body, guaranteeing the quality of the treatments. The treatment is carried out in an autoclave, under vacuum and pressure by the Bethell procedure.

Once the wood is treated, it is protected against the action of wood degrading agents, both biotic (fungi, insects, etc.) and abiotic (sun, rain, etc.), thus prolonging its useful life and contributing to sustainable development.

CMV pursues differentiation and positioning to be able to offer the market wood products that are durable and non-degradable by organisms, as a natural process after the passage of time, specializing in the treatment of wood and wood products to offer the market sufficient guarantees as synonymous with quality.

Carbon footprint

Aware of the environment, CMV carries out a carbon footprint study in order to calculate the potential contribution of treated wood posts to global warming expressed as CO2 by quantifying all emissions and removals of Greenhouse Gases ( GHG) significant during the life cycle of the product.

The use of wood in the present is one of the main means of combating climate change, precisely because it is a store of CO2.

Standard dimensions

Dimensiones estandar